If you’ve come across keto weight loss supplements in the past, you’ll know that there’s a wide variety of these currently available in the market produced by some highly reputed brands. However, if you’re not familiar with how these pills work, it can get a little overwhelming to have to choose the right one.
After all, there’s no guarantee that what supplement worked for someone else you know will work for you too, at least not in the same way and in the same time frame. Having said that, I’d like to point out here that all keto supplements claim to have the same effect on your body, so it’s not unreasonable to expect they’ll live up to their claims.
Keto Ascend is one such weight loss formula that I was tempted to try out a few months ago simply because people were talking about it and I was wondering what caused such a fuss. So I tried it out, and I’ll document my experience and review it for you regarding the same in the following sections.
However, don’t just skim through the Keto Ascend review and base your purchase on that (hint: I found a better alternative that I’ve reviewed in the latter part of the article).
About the Brand
Keto Ascend is a brand that produces a weight loss supplement by the same name for those following the keto diet. The whole formula of this supplement is based on making the most out of ketosis and working along with it to give you impressive weight loss results.
In targeting your body’s metabolism and speeding it up, Keto Ascends ensure that it’s effective at helping you get rid of stubborn, unwanted fat once and for all. Besides, the brand seems to have gained a loyal consumer base that has claimed they’ve achieved great results with regular usage of this product.
Since these supplements are currently available in the form of pills, it’s easy to see why they’re so popular. The brand has a solid number of user testimonials online that claim they’ve seen significant changes in their body after they’ve begun using the product regularly.
Such testimonials lend more credibility to the brand than expensive marketing campaigns – which is what led me to check it out in the first place. Scores of users have claimed this product worked for them when other keto supplements didn’t, so I decided to see for myself if these claims are true.
How Keto Ascend Works
Now that you have a basic idea of what Keto Ascend does, let’s get into the specifics of how it works. Understanding how this supplement works will give you a fair idea of whether or not it would complement your weight loss goals (as it did for me).
Keto Ascends contain a host of ingredients such as BHB, Bioperine, Calcium BHB, and Magnesium BHB that are clinically proven to have great results on burning fat and speeding up the weight loss process among regular users.
BHB, in particular, helps your body enter a state of ketosis. Essentially, BHB provides your body with ketones. Once this happens, your body starts using ketones instead of glucose to help release energy. Calcium and Magnesium BHB help your body to absorb these ketones better and speed up your metabolism while they’re at it.
With an increased metabolic rate and reduced dependency on glucose, your body quickly starts burning stubborn fats and providing you with more energy to fuel your workouts and routine activities. This supplement also helps generate heat inside your body which helps you get rid of stubborn fats on areas of your body that don’t shed weight easily.
Moreover, it does all of the above without the help of any harmful chemicals or synthetic additives. As long as you stay off the carbs and follow a strict keto diet, the Keto Ascend supplement will be able to do its work.
Is Keto Ascend Effective?
Speaking from personal experience, I found Keto Ascend to be fairly effective when I first started using it. That is to say, it was useful at getting my body to enter a state of ketosis. The first change I noticed in my body after I began using the product is how well it worked at curbing my hunger pangs.
The long break between lunch and dinner can be quite frustrating for most people who cannot always afford to take out the time to whip up healthy snacks every evening. This is where Keto Ascend worked its magic for me as it left me feeling fuller between meals.
Within one week of continued usage, I noticed that my hunger pangs were almost completely gone between meals which in turn helped me cut down on my unhealthy snacking habits.
However, it’s not all rosy with Keto Ascend. The brand took out a strong marketing campaign when the product came out, claiming that the supplement works as a mood booster as well. I didn’t find this to be particularly true, nor did I see any significant weight loss changes even after a month of continued usage.
Since I struggle with weight loss (having a slow metabolism), I was particularly eager to see how this supplement affected my metabolic rate. While I did shed some pounds around the 1.5-2 month mark, I was working out extra hard and might as well have credited my weight loss to that.
Trying Out Keto BHB
As mentioned above, though I did achieve some good weight loss results with Keto Ascend, I didn’t find that it was all that impressive. Therefore, I started looking for a viable alternative after using Keto Ascend for about 3 months.
This time, I decided to go the extra mile and engage in additional research about the supplement I’d be investing in, as I hadn’t done with Keto Ascend. After days of searching and scouring dozens of reviews online, I came across Keto BHB. This supplement has quickly established itself as one of the most effective and popular solutions for those looking to lose weight with the help of ketosis. This supplement is available in the form of capsules.
After getting my hands on a bottle of this supplement, I couldn’t wait to try it out and compare my experience with it to that of using Keto Ascend. Besides, I was out of ketosis when I started using Keto BHB, which means I essentially started from scratch with this product as well.
How Keto BHB Works
Produced by the reputed brand Purely Optimal, Keto BHB is made using some great ingredients such as Sodium BHB, Calcium BHB, and Magnesium BHB. These beta salts make this low-carb supplement ideal for those beginning their keto journey.
The exogenous ketones contained in the formula help you burn fat even while you’re resting throughout the day. Purely Optimal claims that Keto BHB can help you attain your physical fitness goals without compromising on your day-to-day activities.
This supplement essentially builds based on what the keto diet is about – helping your body burn unwanted fats instead of carbs. It works well because it simply relies on the user to incorporate it into a healthy and active keto lifestyle.
I found my body entering ketosis fairly quickly once I started using this product which I took to be a good sign. Once my body entered ketosis, I began to see results within 2-3 weeks, which was lesser than the time it took Keto Ascend to take effect.
Along with boosting your metabolism and helping your body burn fat, Keto BHB also helps lighten your overall mood – a difference I noticed after a week or so of using it regularly.
This supplement has been tested independently by a third-party laboratory and approved for sale in the U.S. If you find that for some reason you’re not happy with the product you’ve received, you can reach out to Purely Optimal’s customer support and they’ll be sure to help resolve the issue.
Keto Ascend VS Keto BHB
Since we’ve covered the essential features and benefits of both supplements above, let’s see how the two fare against one another. Once I started using Keto Ascend, my body did enter ketosis and I did observe significant results. However, this took more time than I initially expected.
After all, if I wanted to see results only after reaching the 2-month mark, I might as well have stuck to a keto diet and followed my exercise plan, I didn’t need a supplement to top it off. This wasn’t the case with Keto BHB. It was, in fact, quite the opposite.
After getting off Keto Ascend, I didn’t have high expectations for any keto supplement I came across. However, it’s safe to say Keto BHB exceeded these (albeit) low expectations. Once I observed how my body reacted to the pill and entered ketosis faster than it did with Keto Ascend, I knew I’d see quicker weight loss results too.
While I found Keto Ascend better at suppressing hunger pangs than Keto BHB, the host of other benefits the latter had to offer left me in no doubt about which one was the better product overall. Keto BHB not only helped me speed up my weight loss journey, but it also helped me be more productive even during days that I would ordinarily feel sluggish on.
User Testimonials
I mentioned earlier that positive user reviews play a big role in my choosing a supplement that I’ll be using every day and it was no different with Keto BHB. Following are the pros of Keto BHB I came across while reading most user reviews by long-term users. The pros listed out below include my own positive experiences using the product.
- It shows results within a fortnight, sometimes even a week for users with a moderately high metabolic rate
- It works great at suppressing appetite
- Regular users find that it boosts their mood which in turn helps them stay more productive throughout the day
- It helps users enter ketosis very quickly and helps one stay in a state of ketosis for longer
- It doesn’t require a particularly strenuous workout regime to display results
- The brand’s customer support services are great and complement the product well
- It’s quite affordable as compared to other keto supplements available online
In conclusion, I tried both Keto Ascend and Keto BHB for 3 months after which I realized that Keto BHB is the better product overall. This supplement is highly effective for those who are just finding their way around a healthy keto lifestyle.
While Keto Ascend wasn’t an altogether ineffective product, I can honestly say it didn’t live up to its claims of helping users burn weight quickly while boosting their mood. On the other hand, Keto BHB delivered well on all its claims (particularly regarding quick weight loss results) and more.
All in all, Keto BHB worked well enough for me to continue using it to fulfill all my weight loss goals.