
How Do You Know You Are In Ketosis?

How Do You Know You Are in Ketosis

Part of following the keto diet is, well, getting into ketosis! But how do you know you are in that state? What are good ketosis levels? How do I check my ketone levels? Do I have to use ketone strips? We get it, these are burning questions that you just GOTTA know! That’s where this … Read more

Does Keto Hurt Your Liver?

Does Keto Hurt Your Liver?

If you are discovering keto and want to research it to see if it’s right for you, chances are you’ve seen lots of talk about the liver and the keto diet. Why is this a thing? Why do people worry about the health of their liver when it comes to the keto lifestyle? It is … Read more

How Do Keto Pills Work?

How Do Keto Pills Work?

Following the ketogenic diet involves making a significant change in your body and how it gets energy. You will eat fewer carbs and high amounts of fat in order to achieve the state known as “nutritional ketosis.” This is a state which is marked by high levels of ketones in your bloodstream. If you are … Read more

Do Keto Strips Work?

Do Keto Strips Work?

Those of you following a keto diet want to be in a state of ketosis, or the state in which your body is using fat for its fuel. IT is for this reason people may use keto strips to check their ketone levels. They wonder, “Am I doing enough to reach a state of ketosis?” … Read more

What Are Macros In Keto?

What Are Macros In Keto?

Have you been learning about the keto diet? Or, just studying it closely? Chances are you’ve come in contact with the term “macros” and are wondering why it matters so much. Everywhere you go, you hear the term, “If it fits your macros.” But what exactly does this mean? And why do we keep saying … Read more

What Should Ketone Levels Be?

What Should Ketone Levels Be?

If you are following the keto diet, chances are you’ve thought about tracking your ketone levels using keto strips. But what should ketone levels actually be? This article is designed to answer this query as well as address other topics associated with ketones, such as ketoacidosis plus tracking ketone levels in various ways. Let’s get … Read more

Is A Ketogenic Diet Good For Weight Loss?

Is A Ketogenic Diet Good For Weight Loss?

Weight loss is on everyone’s mind. Whether it’s your New Years’ Resolution, or you want to fit into those high school jeans again, or you would just like to feel good about yourself, everybody’s got their reasons for losing weight. Keto is a great way to do that. It is a lifestyle that you can … Read more

Is The Keto Diet Healthy Over A Long Period Of Time?

Is The Keto Diet Healthy Over A Long Period Of Time?

I love keto diet! The food is good, the results are fantastic, and I feel like a million bucks. I have energy like you wouldn’t believe, and I have lost some excess weight. But can you do this diet long term? Is it healthy? Yes, you can certainly do keto long term. But you have … Read more

What Are The Risks Of The Ketogenic Diet?

What Are The Risks Of The Ketogenic Diet?

For any diet, especially the keto diet, you want to know the risks involved before you begin. The ketogenic diet has helped millions develop better eating habits, lose excess weight, learn hunger cues, and so many other great things, but it’s not for everyone. This article will explore the risks of the ketogenic diet. By … Read more

In Ketosis But Not Losing Weight?

In Ketosis But Not Losing Weight?

Did you decide to get into the keto diet for weight loss purposes? It’s a great idea. Keto dieting is a tasty and sustainable way to lose weight and establish good dietary habits. It’s different from other diets in that we have to watch our ketones closely; some even keep track of their ketone levels. … Read more